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Gurh Nalo Ishq Mittha

Derby City PCT commissioned Surtal Arts to produce and deliver a play about diabetes in March 2008.

The aim was to make South Asian audiences more aware of the risks of diabetes, which affects this community more significantly than others.

Surtal Arts’ unique insight into the cultural nuances and community links meant we were able to find amazing local bilingual actors and script writers who were able to pull together a fantastic script that resonated with the audience, making it entertaining yet delivered the serious health message.

The play was performed in community venues around the city, attracted over 600 people who also received information and free diabetes tests. The play was a resounding success and was nominated for the 2009 NHS Health and Social Care Award.

“I attended Gurh Nalo Ishq Mitha (Love is Sweeter than Sugar) about Type 2 diabetes in the Hindu temple in Derby. The play was performed in Panjabi and in English. The actors were drawn from the community. It was excellent in raising awareness with sensitivity and humour. It is a great example of how we can convert our strategic priorities of awareness and education into action in communities that need it most.”

Douglas Smallwood, Chief Executive of Diabetes UK

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